Thursday, December 29

Sorry for the lack of update

Yes yes.. I know I know.. where have I been right?
Sorry for the lack of update but I'm currently rather busy as the year end is just around the corner.
Many things I have to buy before the end of the huge sales, talk about independent, I have to fix (or maybe just ask someone to come and fix it) one of the fuse in the kitchen as it went KABOOM few days ago! Shock of my life (eeerrmm, maybe not life, just month). Also, I've been busy reading a book written by Ellen DeGeneres "Seriously, I'm kidding" (Yes I'm her fans) and so much more to mention! I'll update as soon as possible aite?? Please don't go away, I'll curse you if you do, I swear! nahh, I'm just kidding! Booo-yaa!


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